Energy Healing is a holistic approach to healing that focuses on regenerating the mind, body, and spirit. It is not associated with any specific religion but is rooted in the scientific concept that we are energetic beings, and by shifting and balancing our energy, we can reconnect with our authentic selves and experience healing and transformation in our lives. During and energy healing session various techniques and modalities are used to shift energy blockages, balance the chakras, and deliver higher vibrational energy. This has a positive impact on our mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, bringing greater peace and tranquility.

The practice of redirecting subtle energy flows around and in the body has been around for centuries and offers numerous mental, physical, and emotional benefits. It works by recognizing that human bodies generate a measurable electronic field, which can be harnessed for healing purposes. Just as conventional medicine uses tools like electroencephalogram (EEGs) to measure brain activity, energy healing taps into the body’s energy field for healing and well-being.


During an energy session with Julie, you can expect a personalized approach. The session begins with a consultation to assess your energy and discuss your specific needs, Julie then creates a personalized healing session just for you. You remain fully clothed and comfortably positioned on a massage table during your energy healing session. After the energy healing portion of the session is complete, Julie will provide insights into any imbalances or areas of concern that were observed. With your permission, she will also share any intuitive messages and insights received during you session. She also provides personalized recommendations, and instructional materials for aftercare and ongoing healing support.

What sets Julie’s practice apart is her comprehensive after care program. She offers a follow up support system, allowing you to reach out with any additional questions or concerns that arise after the session. This provides a safe space for you to process and integrate the experience with professional support and guidance. She also provides educational materials and resources to help you extend the benefits of your healing session.



Energy blocks can accumulate in the body due to physical injury or emotional pain and trauma, leading to negative impacts on overall well-being. Reiki helps to alleviate emotional pain, reduce stress, and promote overall healing. It is a simple, natural, and safe method that can be used alongside traditional medical and therapeutic approaches and can be particularly beneficial for relieving side effects from treatments like chemotherapy and radiation. Reiki is not dependent on belief and will work whether or not you believe in it.

During a Reiki treatment, the practitioner administers the healing energy through the “laying on of hands.” This practice is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is responsible for our vitality. If this energy is low or imbalanced, it can result in stress and illness. Reiki helps to raise and balance the life force energy, promoting a joyful, fulfilling, and healthy life.

Receiving a Reiki treatment feels like an energetic massage as the loving, radiant, high vibrational energy flows through and around you. It treats the whole person, addressing the body, emotions, mind and spirit, leading to various beneficial effects. Many clients have reported miraculous results after just one session.

Learn more about how Reiki can help you transform your life.


  • Boosts intuition and creativity

  • Relieves stress and promotes relaxation

  • Calms the mind and refocuses the soul

  • Strengthens your immune system

  • Reduces pain

  • Alleviates anxiety and depression

  • Clears energy blocks

  • Improves clarity of thinking

  • Assists with Emotional Growth

  • Enhances joint mobility

  • Heals inflammation and infection

  • Promotes better sleep


Access Bars® is a hands-on energy healing therapy that focuses on 32 energy centers on the head known as The Bars®. These energy centers store our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and considerations accumulated over lifetimes. Access Bars® sessions aim to release the limiting thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and patterns that hinder our ability to make empowering changes and fully accept life.

Each of The Bars® corresponds to different levels of consciousness related to various aspects of our lives, such as creativity, money, power, joy, sadness, sexuality, body image, and healing. During an Access Bars® session, blockages in these areas can be released, allowing the body and mind to return to a natural state of calm and balance.

Studies have indicated that Access Bars® treatments slow down brain waves to a theta state, enabling the surfacing and release of behavioral patterns and childhood perspectives. This state promotes greater presence, allowance, and openness, allowing limiting thoughts, beliefs, and feelings to be lifted and released. It has been reported that individuals suffering from conditions like PTSD and Religious Trauma Syndrome (RTS) have found relief and healing through these sessions, including Julie herself.


  • Deeper relaxation

  • Improved sleep quality

  • Better manageability of depression and anxiety

  • Ability to shift negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs

  • Clearing physical and emotional clutter

  • Reducing or eliminating physical pain

  • Increasing joy and happiness

  • Enhancing mood and maintaining a positive outlook

  • Improved mental clarity, motivation and problem-solving capacity

  • Helps identify and transform negative self-talk

  • Release unconscious stories

  • Clear blocks related to money flows

  • Create lasting changes with health, weight, relationships, stress management


Sound healing is the intentional use of sound to facilitate healing healing and restore balance in the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of one’s being. It is an ancient practice that harnesses the power of sound and vibration to restore balance and harmony in our energy.

Our bodies, composed of over 70% water, are deeply influenced by sound as sound travels more efficiently through water than air. Carefully chosen frequencies in a healing session, are used to address imbalances and release dense, stagnant energy at the cellular level. Allowing your body to correct imbalances and release stagnant energy. Sound has a profound impact on our bodies.

After assessing your needs through the consultation Julie selects a unique combination of sound instruments and frequencies tailored to your needs. These instruments may include crystal singing bowls, Himalayan/Tibetan bowls, drums, flutes, chimes, tuning forks, and voice.

The benefits of sound healing are extensive and include:

  • Reduced stress and tension

  • Increase positivity and outlook

  • Lowered blood pressure and cholesterol

  • Improved sleep

  • Decreased anxiety and depression

  • Assistance with managing physical pain

  • Relief from jaw clenching and teeth grinding

  • Easing grief

  • Lessening acid reflux

  • Supporting addiction recovery

  • Provide relief for pain and symptoms associated with chronic conditions and cancer


Tuning forks are powerful tools for healing that harness the unique frequencies within us. They offer a multitude of benefits for our bodies, minds, and souls. Recent scientific advancements have confirmed that everything in the universe, including ourselves, vibrates at its own distinct frequency.

Tuning fork therapy leverages the principles of acupuncture and understanding the energetic pressure points and chakras in our bodies. By placing the tuning forks on specific points, their frequencies stimulate healing, balance energy, alleviate pain, and enhance circulation.


  • Reduction of pain and inflammation: targeting areas of discomfort with specific frequencies promotes circulation and alleviates inflammation and pain.

  • Emotional balance: tuning forks help release unresolved emotions and raise vibrations, clearing negative energies that can impact our mental and physical well-being.

  • Relaxation and stress reduction: tuning forks induce deep relaxation through their vibrational healing qualities, providing relief from stress and anxiety.

  • Mental clarity: playing specific frequencies over the head can quiet the mind and enhance mental clarity. This is particularly beneficial for neurodiverse individuals (such as those with ADD/ADHD/Autism) as their minds resonate with the repetitive frequency of the tuning fork.

  • Nurtures energetic and emotional balance

  • Improves sleep duration and quality

  • Promotes inner peace and contentment

  • Cultivates personal growth

  • Heightens awareness

  • Balances the entire chakra system


Vocal Alchemy, also known as Vocal Toning, is a powerful self-healing practice that harnesses the voice as a transformative tool. Among the various sound healing methods available today, the human voice remains one of the most potent instruments for personal healing and transformation.

Toning has been utilized by cultures worldwide for thousands of years, serving as one of our earliest forms of healing. Vocal Alchemy enables us to release old patterns of physical, emotional, and mental limitations, allowing us to fully embrace our innate healing potential.

Your voice carries the frequencies of your body. It originates from within you and resonates with every cell, influencing your entire being with every sound you create. It is constantly available to you and can instantly impact your body, mind, emotions, and personal connection. It's akin to a "sonic massage" for your cells, permeating every particle of your being and transforming your life to its highest potential.


  • Reduces stress

  • Reduces or eliminates pain

  • Supports the release of limiting belief systems.

  • Induces alpha-theta brain states associated with clarity and healing

  • Expands creative potential, clarity, and vision

  • Calms emotional upsets

  • Releases negativity

  • Strengthens the immune system

  • Stimulates the body’s natural healing response

  • Clears and balances the chakras

  • Reconnects you with peace and harmony

  • Raises your vibration


Schedule a Free Exploratory Session with Julie where she will address your specific concerns, needs, and goals.

Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.

Shakti Gawain